Monday, September 5, 2011


We began a Kickstarter campaign that is already a success with 10 days left!

We are campaigning for funds to pay our production staff, as well as cover the supply costs for the set and other design elements. Eric will construct and reshape our main set structure during each of our five performances in the Fringe Festival. We anticipate needing several backup pieces in case Eric is particularly zealous during a show.

The budget is as follows:

$300 for stipends for our cast and crew

$200 for building materials

Since we have hit our goal of $500 (and recently crossed the $600 mark) I will be updating our Kickstarter page to include details about what any additional dollars will support.

Please review the list of contributors in the sidebar and if you know anyone personally give them a hug for me.  Craig and I are so grateful for everyone's support.

Thank you,

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